Phishing Test

Safestates phishing test allows you to simulate phishing attacks to test your resilience against one of the most common types of attacks.
You choose the time and which email addresses should receive a phishing email, and then Safestate takes care of the rest. By simulating phishing attacks, you can test both your email filters and employees. Below is an overview of how it works.

The value of phishing tests

By conducting simulations of phishing attacks, you can gain valuable insight into your current security measures and identify any weaknesses or areas for improvement. It also provides an opportunity to educate and inform your employees about the various types of threats that can arise via email, thereby strengthening the organization’s overall security culture.

In summary, a phishing test is a powerful tool to strengthen your organization’s defense against cyber threats by evaluating and improving your existing security measures and employees’ awareness of potential risks.

Annual notifications of leaked user data
Identified technical vulnerabilities per year
Potential threats for customers identified per year

How does it work?

When it’s time for a phishing test for your organization, as a customer, you’ll receive a notification informing you that the test is available. This test is designed to simulate a realistic phishing attack and is based on templates carefully crafted by us at Safestate. Our templates are continuously updated to ensure they are current.

As a customer, you have the option to choose which recipients to include in the test. Once your selections are made, we send out the phishing message from a domain we control to the specified recipients. This allows the test to be conducted securely and provides you with insight into how your employees respond to a potential phishing attack.

After a certain period has elapsed since the phishing message was sent out, you will receive a summary report. The report provides you with an overview of how your employees responded to the phishing test, including information on how many opened the email or clicked on the link.

By conducting these regular phishing tests, you gain a better understanding of your organization’s vulnerabilities and can take action to improve security and employees’ awareness of cyber threats.

Do you need help with anything?

In our support center, you have the opportunity to find answers to common questions regarding our services and reports. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, you can also create a ticket and reach out to us for personalized assistance and support.